How To Use Whole Wheat Bread To Prevent Or Ease Constipation

Wheat grain is often used to make bread. The outer part of the grain contains a lot of fiber and the grain is also an excellent source of carbohydrates. The high fiber content makes whole wheat bread ideal for preventing or easing constipation.

Here are some tips for using whole wheat bread to improve bowel movements along with some tips on how to pick out the best whole wheat bread:

Create Healthy Bowel Action

If you suffer from constipation on a regular basis or if you are pregnant and experiencing constipation then eating a lot of whole wheat bread is one way to make your bowel movements go more smoothly. Whole wheat will soften an increase the bulk of your stool due to its high fiber content. If you have not been eating whole wheat bread before you should add it gradually to your diet to see how it affects your stool. This is because even though whole wheat bread can ease constipation too much fiber can cause gas and bloating.

Guidelines For Purchasing Whole Wheat Bread

There are several breads that will be labeled as whole wheat when you see them on supermarket shelves. However, many of the breads that claim to be whole wheat only contain a small amount of whole wheat and they may also contain other grains. This is why it is why it is important to check the label carefully to ensure that the bread that you purchase is in fact made up of 100 percent whole grains. Here is what you should look out for when reading the labels:

1. Made with whole grains

This does not tell you a lot about how much whole wheat grain was actually put in the bread. If the amount of whole wheat in the bread is under 100 percent them many of the benefits derived from consuming whole grains will not be present in the bread.

2.  Whole grain

Many breads are labeled as whole grain but if it does not say, "100 percent whole grain" on the label then you will be deprived of the benefits of eating pure whole wheat bread. Here are some bad words you should look out for when looking to purchase 100 percent whole wheat bread. These words usually indicate that the whole wheat grain has been altered in some way.

  • Enriched
  • Bleached
  • Unbleached

Carefully choosing the whole wheat bread that you eat is the only way to ensure that you get all the nutritional benefits that can be derived from eating whole wheat bread. To learn more, contact a company like Klosterman Baking Company with any questions or concerns you have.
